Biosecurity During Animal Disease Outbreaks
In today's animal agricultural industries, trends are present which may potentially increase the spread and level of infectious diseases in herds and flocks. Michelle Bailey, Rose Acre Farms, will highlight best practices for feed companies.
Michelle Bailey, Director of Flock Health & Nutrition, Rose Acre Farms
Michelle Bailey is the Director of Flock Health & Nutrition for Rose Acre Farms. She has been with Rose Acre Farms since obtaining her Degree in Animal Sciences at Purdue University in 2011. Michelle plays a key role in in overseeing the health and well-being of all flocks within Rose Acre Farms. Some of her responsibilities include, but are not limited to, tailoring vaccination programs to minimize disease challenges and providing flock heath support.
Michelle has recently accepted a role in nutrition management helping to ensure that all Rose Acre Farm's flocks are provided with high quality diets designed to help the flocks reach their optimal performance. Being involved in both flock health and nutrition, Michelle is in a great position to help provide all flocks within Rose Acre Farms the means to reach their full potential.
Home life for Michelle includes helping her husband run their grain and brood cattle operation while managing her son’s busy sports schedule.
Michelle has a great appreciation for agriculture, and truly enjoys working in the egg industry.